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Vote Column 1 - The Winning Republican Ticket

John Krickus, Stephen Shaw, Deborah Smith

Dear Friends,

Let’s show the Democrats this is going to be a Republican year by voting for the winning Morris County Republican ticket of Sheriff James Gannon, and County Commissioner candidates Doug Cabana, Christine Myers, and Sarah Neibart.

This ticket has two first responders, Sarah Neibart a volunteer firefighter and of course Sheriff Gannon. This ticket has two Trump appointees, Christine Myers as an SBA official, and Sarah Neibart, as an advisory council appointment. This ticket has great experience, including Doug Cabana who was an innovator of shared services. This ticket is a winner!

Meanwhile Tom Mastrangelo lost, finishing in last place running for state assembly last year, was defeated in March as nearly 800 Republicans met and soundly rejected him, and is helping the Democrats by making our winning Republican ticket spend over $100,000+ (!) in a primary, money that could have helped elect Republicans in the fall.

Let’s elect our strong Morris County Republican team all in column 1: Sheriff James Gannon, Doug Cabana, Christine Myers, and Sarah Neibart, as well as your congressional and local candidates.

You can vote Tuesday June 7 or at early voting machine this weekend. Thank you!

Deputy Director County Commissioner John Krickus

County Commissioner Stephen Shaw

County Commissioner Deborah Smith

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